Attendant Care/Caregiver Benefits
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The best care with the right caregiver...
At Humber River Medical Diagnostics, we work with our patients, legal practitioners and insurance adjusters to provide an unbiased medical assessment and medico legal report that complies with Attendant Care Benefits, Caregiver Benefits, Income Replacement and Non Earner Benefits requirements as outlined in case law and arbitration decisions.
Caregiver Benefits
With an aging population, this is an increasing burden on many families, made even harder when one of the family caregivers is struggling with their own impairments.
Caregiver Benefits are to compensate expenses incurred when an insured person is substantially unable to perform his or her duties as a primary caregiver for a dependant. While this typically involves children up to age 16, it also includes dependants with disabilities and aged/frail family members.
Attendant Care Benefits
Attendant Care Benefits cover services that are provided by an aide to assist with everyday living tasks that the injured person cannot perform themselves, as a result of the accident.
At Humber River Medical Diagnostics, our expert team of Occupational Therapists can address all the issues required in completion of a Form 1 and the accompanying report.